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Position:Home>History> Need help about the world wars?

Question: Need help about the world wars!?
Does anyone know about the world war 1 and 2 or can u just give me a website that can really help me write an essay about it!?
Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well to sum up world war two!.Germany invades Poland!.Britan and France declare war on Germany!.Germany invades Norway,France,Denmark,Holland and Belgium!.Italy,allied with Germany invades North Africa!.Japan ivades the chineese province of Manchuria!.Japan feels threatened by the U!.S navy and so launches a suprise attack on Pearl harbour,crippling the U!.S pacific fleet!.Germany launches Operation Barbarossa and invades the Soviet Union!.Battle of Midway is major turning point in war in the pacific with the U!.S gaining supremacy over Japan!.The allies launch operation Overlord aka D-Day establishing the second front for the Germans!.The allies push through France towards Germany while the Russians manage to push back the German armies and reach Berlin!.Shortly after the Allies cross the Rhine and reach Berlin!.Hitler commits suicide!.On May 8th 1945 Germany surrenders!.Russia prepares to invade Japan!. U!.S drops Atomic bomb on the japanese cities of hiroshima and nagasaki!.And that pretty much sums up the war!.There was a lot of smaller conflicts in Africa and the east but these were the main events!.And russia actually destroyed the bulk of the German army!. Ps!.!.This pretty much sums up the war so just try and work around it!.And dont start gettin angry your lucky anybodys trying to help you at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm sure there are a lot of websites about that thing friend,it depends on what sort of essay your doing :remember there is only one truth!.The only thing i can say about it is i'm sure god is right, life is so short make sure you are on the right side, i'm in the lord s army:GOD BLESS!. (ps:there is only one truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Britain and its empire beat the Germans!. Twice

The French Surrendered!.Twice

The American arrived late!. Twice
Although thay are making up for it by starting some new ones that we have to join in

Italy Swapped sides a lot

Russia and Japan were involved as well I think!? But not to any degree!!

Both World Wars in a nut shellWww@QuestionHome@Com

You are joking right!?

It would take days, and pages and pages to tell you all about it,
also there must be 10's of 1000's of websites!.

I would advise that you go to the library for a book instead, or surely you must have coursework books of some description!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


wwii_shaped_the_united!.html - 42k - Cached - Similar pages

www!.columbia!.edu/~th2149/WWI CU WWII!.htm - CachedWww@QuestionHome@Com
