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Question: Cause and effect, AP European history!?
AP Test is tomorrow for me!

I just wanted some help on overview of main events!. If any one can help me out with some information or knows a good resource, please let me know!.

I am looking for the cause and effects of:

The Reformation
French Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
World War I and II

also, I want o know the economic, political, and social trends and comparisons of European countries throughout history!.

If anyway can help in anyway, it would be greatly appreciated! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the 19th century, a wave of romantic nationalism swept the continent of Europe transforming the countries of the continent!. Some new countries, such as Germany and Italy were formed by uniting smaller states with a common "national identity"!. Others, such as Greece, Poland and Bulgaria, were formed by winning their independence!.

French revolution

The French Revolution paved the way for the modern nation-state!. Across Europe radical intellectuals questioned the old monarchial order and encouraged the development of a popular nationalism committed to re-drawing the political map of the continent!. By 1914 the days of multi-national empires were numbered!. The French Revolution, by destroying the traditional structures of power in France and territories conquered by Napoleon, was the instrument for the political transformation of Europe!. Revolutionary armies carried the slogan of "liberty, equality and brotherhood" and ideas of liberalism and national self-determinism!. National awakening also grew out of an intellectual reaction to the Enlightenment that emphasized national identity and developed a romantic view of cultural self-expression through nationhood!. The key exponent of the modern idea of the nation-state was the German Georg Hegel (1770-1831)!. He argued that a sense of nationality was the cement that held modern societies together in an age when dynastic and religious allegiance was in decline!. In 1815, at the end of the Napoleonic wars, the major powers of Europe tried to restore the old dynastic system as far as possible, ignoring the principle of nationality in favour of "legitimism", the assertion of traditional claims to royal authority!. With most of Europe's peoples still loyal to their local province or city, nationalism was confined to small groups of intellectuals and political radicals!. Furthermore, political repression, symbolized by the Carlsbad Decrees published in Austria in 1819, pushed nationalist agitation underground!.

Nationalism exported

The invention of a symbolic national identity became the concern of racial or linguistic groups throughout Europe as they struggled to come to terms with the rise of mass politics, popular xenophobia and the decline of traditional social elites!. Within the Habsburg empire the different races developed a more mass-based, violent and exclusive nationalism, even among the Germans and Magyars, who actually benefited from the power-structure of the empire!. The Jewish population of eastern and central Europe began to develop radical demands for their own national state in Palestine!. In 1897, inspired by the Hungarian-born nationalist Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the First Zionist Congress was held in Basle!. On the European periphery, especially in Ireland and Norway, campaigns for national independence became more strident!. In 1905 Norway won independence from Sweden, but attempts to grant Ireland the kind of autonomy enjoyed by Hungary foundered on the national divisions on the island between the ethnic Irish and British migrants!. By this time the ideals of European nationalism had been exported worldwide and were now beginning to threaten the colonial empires still ruled by European nation-states!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay well the reformation the cause was people became more literate, so they started thinking for themselves, this is when you see Protestants come into the picture the effect was more religions and religious wars which were resolved by henry of navarre (IV) of france with the edict of nantes which brought huguenot (protestant) toleration in france

the french revolution:
the causes are many starting with Louis XIV when he moved the capital to Versailles from Paris, isolating his people from his courtlife!. i could go into more detail but the french revolution is pretty self-explanatory
the effects was nationalism, more revolutions, napoleonic periods, the republic
onto Nationalism which resulted after the french revolution so meaning the cause the effects the people took ownerships for their countries, which then caused more revolutions to happen across europe (not in england though)
and thats all i can give you on hand and im tired
good luck
im not going to lie, its hard and long i took it last yearWww@QuestionHome@Com