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Position:Home>History> Would you be alive today if pedophilia resulted in death since the beginning of

Question: Would you be alive today if pedophilia resulted in death since the beginning of time!?
If you trace your family history back a few generations you'll be utterly supprised if the birth day was confirmed to be underaged!. I hate the age of consent here in illinois because I'm 15 my gf is 17 and there is no legal gap it's 17 and above are considered adultsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The age of consent laws are there for a reason, to protect children from exploitation!. It's tough that you can't have sex with your girlfriend but you'll just have to wait!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. No explanation required!. I know the truth!. The world is MUCH different now!. What is pedophilia now was pedophilia then!. The age of consent is another matter entirely and the fact that my Father was born when his mother was 15 was acceptable - especially since she was married 10 months before he was born!.
Don't mix up terms!. Pedophilia is a disgusting thing!. A crime!. It was then - it is now!.
Age of consent is there for a reason!. Don't screw your girlfriend - she'll go to jail as a sex offender!. You don't want that - especially if you really LOVE her and don't just want some!.Www@QuestionHome@Com