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Position:Home>History> Is this a good sentence, how should i patch it up a bit to make it better?

Question: Is this a good sentence, how should i patch it up a bit to make it better!?
People who were not directly involved in the war, such as children, women, and elders who wanted to assist with the war did in fact provided with many ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Women, children and the elderly, while not directly involved in the war were still able to assist in the war efforts!.

There are a bunch of ways to change it!. I think the use of "such as" makes it too wordy!. It could be more direct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those who were not actually fighting the War, i!.e!. children!. women and the elderly, but did want to lend assistance, often did so in many ways, such as:!.!.!.

You just add the ways!. I don't know what war you're talking about, or which citizens, etc!. Each war is different!.

Now you've completely confused me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Women, children, and the elderly were not directly involved in the war!. They did, however provide war assistance in many ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com