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Question: Grand Dutchess Anastasia still a mystery!?
Hello, im a follower of the story of Grand Dutchess Anastasia of Russias story and did a paper on it for my History class!. I found in my research that to this day they still dont know whether she died or escaped!. However!.!.they just did recent testing and they found the bodies to be of Tsarevitch Alexei but still dont know wether the other body was Anastasia or Maria

My question is!.!.!.has anyone else noticed this or does anyone have an actual clear answer as to what happened to Anastasia in light of these new findings!?!.!.!.!.!.if anyone can answer this for me!.!.!.!.i would LOVE it!.!.!.!.Thanks and have a good oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She was killed with the others!.
DNA results have proved Anna Anderson was a total fraud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you can find some hints following links on Wikipedia going from Rasputin!. They are describing actual physical appearance of the tsarina and saying that it is most likely that the mith about Anastasia actually is only that: a mith!. After considering all the facts I have to admit that that scenario actually have more sense than the other one!. However, I will keep searching because somehow I believe that the truth is different!.!.!.I'll try to come back if I find anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She died, the rest is all fantasy!. The last remaining family members bones were positively identified just a week or so ago!. It was in the news!. All proven by DNA taken from a relative (the Duke of Edinburgh I think) Check out recent news reports for confirmation that they are all accounted for now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After DNA testing, they found out that "Anastasia" was not related to the Romonov family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am as well, but of the whole family!.

The governor said that finally they had found the whole imperial familyWww@QuestionHome@Com

The remains of Anastasia were allegedly located with those of her parents and two of her sisters!.Alexei and his sister Maria were supposedly found in a different location!.I am highly suspicious of the whole story!.It just doesn't make sense that the little Tsarevich and another of the children were disposed of in a location different from that of the others!.Why would the executioners do that!?It seems more likely that Alexei and Anastasia survived!.A woman named Anna Anderson,now deceased,claimed to be Anastasia!.Her claim was verified true by a forensic scientist!.DNA results stated the opposite!.Since ownership of the Czar's fortune could be questioned,there is motive to tweek the results of DNA tests through bribery!.It is much more logical to conclude Alexei and Anastasia did not die with the others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com