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Question: What advatages did the Viet Cong have!?
The American army had superior weapons and supplies in Vietnam war!. What advatages did the Viet Cong have!?

I have this question in US history and need help, Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They had many advantages in the home terrain and added the terrific dimension of "Gorilla warfare techniques" and the way they have attacked at odd hours with deadly precision was really unthinkable and unbelievable by the stationed US troops and the South Vietnam soldiers! Many a times they reach by underground tunnels to the enemy camps and easily get mixed with the local troops wearing same uniforms and made deadly attacks in killing the US top commanders and soldiers! In the sixties the morning newspapers everyday carried news of 500 or 600 B-52 bombers dropping thousands of tons of bombs in the northern provincial capital towns like Quangtri, Hanoi etc and on return it was less by ten to twelve planes shot down!

I read an article informing four Viet Cong men on a bombs loaded Jeep entering a airfield in early hours of the day, killed all the sentries from the main gate and killing all on the way, hit the first plane which exploded and continued with explosion of all 27 planes in the field, making a mind boggling damage in man and materials! Blowing up self by bombs was heard first in their struggles only!. We heard even a bridge linking the Vietnam with China where supplies from Russia and China came was bombed every time getting fully made new or replaced by pre fabricated materials in less than a day was a stunning feat of the Vietnamese people! In fact it was said that under the capital city Hanoi they have made out a total city with all supplies to take care of the people for a year!

The dreaded things of terrible human abuse done by the US troops in the villages of My Lai and Song My in the early seventies was flashed in TVs worldwide and published in photos in the Life, Time and News week magazine and the outraged world protested in one voice against the USA on its most brutal war against humanity on Earth! On that day of invading the villages in North Vietnam, the US soldiers killed innocent women and children in hundreds and on many pregnant women the soldiers stabbed the rifle bayonets and brought the fetus out killing the mothers and the babies! Russia and China made the terrific appeal to the world in UN forum to stop the war and the entire gamut of media of the west from Europe to US went wild in accusing the US government and the troops for this most inhuman act never even committed by Hitler in the WWII! In the history for the first time AMERICA STOOD TOTALLY IN SHAME, accepting and apologizing the horrific crime!

The American installed puppet regime of South Vietnam miserably failed in the war and made the exit of US coupled with great anti war demonstrations in the US and the last days of US retreat was unbelievably horrible as the Viet Cong forces advanced killing and capturing everything on the way till the southern Capital, the former Saigon city, today's Ho-Chi-Minh city! The US troops mainly the army just left the city leaving everything in office and in camps ran the streets to reach their anchored ships, and left in hurry! It was indeed a great dishonor for the prideful US forces to make this exit, except for the brutal and imprudent decision of the US government in prolonging the war mindlessly for fourteen long years!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They didn't have uniforms to identify them!. They hid among innocent women and children and attacked at night, when it was impossible to see them!. The abused the local people for support in their missions and had massive support from Russian and Chinese!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge of the land and terrain including many hiding spots!. An extensive tunnel system they dug to move troops and supplies unnoticed!. The support of villages and locals who could supply them with food and information!. Soviet and Chinese supplies and training!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

underground tunnels to avoid bombs and detection!. many many people to help transport materials through the jungles!. they blended into the population so you didn't know if a farmer was also a viet cong at night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Fighting on the home field!. They knew the terrain, and they believed they were fighting for their homes and the right of self determination!.

2!. They had the support of some of the people in every village!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A vast expanse of underground tunnels (you can actually go there and tour them now) and, basically, home field advantage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The support of liberals in the US congress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Treeeeeeeesssss!!!! !.!.!.and holesWww@QuestionHome@Com

home field advantageWww@QuestionHome@Com