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Position:Home>History> What are three ways that the ww2 affected American lives?

Question: What are three ways that the ww2 affected American lives!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
fluoride poisoning suffered by the workers in the plants for the manhattan project

ex nazi war criminals were given jobs in the CIA after the war was over

japanese americans were detained in camps located in CAWww@QuestionHome@Com

1) Rationing of food and basic materials such as iron, copper, and rubber!.
2) Shortage of a men for industrial labor, which was covered by the women in society!.
3) Many technological advances that came about as part of the war effort helped shape American society after the war ended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rationing- Families had to use food coupons and gas stamps to buy products!. The military required so much food, metal, gasoline, fabric, etc!., that people simply had to go without

Women Workers: Many women went to work in factories and other jobs since there were not enough men to do so!.

Loss of sons and husbands: Almost every family was effected in some way!. Husbands were off in the Pacific, or sons were fighting in Europe!. Many people lost a loved one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com