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Position:Home>History> What has been done to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?

Question: What has been done to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict!?
Thanks all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The long answer is to be found at the two URL's below, being the most comprehensive history of the region I've found on-line!. (Hosted by the UN)

If you digest those you'll be better informed than 99% of even those who have an opinion on the matter!.

The short overview is at URL3 with references to the other sites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot has been done to try to resolve the conflict, but it has all been talk such as all the peace negotiations, sitting at the table to talk under supervision of different countries especially the US!. Most of the modern American Presidents have/had a "Middle East" problem-solving idea, but neiter party wants to give in to the other!. Biggest 'problem' is of course Jerusalem!. This city has religious meaning to the Palestines and the Israeli people and that is mostly what the peace negotioans break on, plus the part of land that Israel seized during the six-day war and where they have there settlers!. Of course there have been cease-fires but up to now they all have been broken by either the Palestines or the Israeli!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can the conflict be resolved!? However much one may hope, scepticism is inevitable!.

Some (perhaps a majority) of Palestinians are committed to the destruction of Israel!. They hate Jews, and they want the land!.

On the other hand, the Jews are quite serious about wanting to stay alive and keep that land!. There is constant questioning in Israel about the morality and advisability of many of the state's actions, but when the chips are down, they all want to hang on to their lives and their homes, and will do what it takes!.

With such entrenched and irreconcilable positions, it is not hard to see why peace talks break down!. I am afraid that any talks in the future will be as unproductive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com