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Position:Home>History> Extra credit on World War 1....anything cool to talk about?

Question: Extra credit on World War 1!.!.!.!.anything cool to talk about!?
I want to do some extra credit to boost up my grade before finals!.!.!.is there anything cool about WWI that I could do it on!?!? I heard about some kind of leader but I forgot his name!.!.!.it was like Black Jack P***** and I don't know what the *'s are!.!.!.!.haha any ideas are welcome!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
" Black Jack" Pershing!. Old time Cavalry officer!. Superior officer to a young fellow named George Patton (famous in WWII), pre ww one !. He (Pershing) led an expedition into Mexico to try and capture another famous (infamous!?) guy named Pancho Villa for crossing the border and killing U!.S!. citizens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Exactly what sort of information are you after concerning World War One!?
Cool isn't a word I'd use to describe any of what happened during that time!.

The name you're after is:

John J!. Pershing - nickname "Black Jack" Pershing!.
During the Spanish-American War, he was in the 10th U!.S!. Cavalry, the African-American unit known as the Buffalo Soldiers (the association earned him the nickname "Black Jack" Pershing)!.
Pershing was appointed commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) and was sent to France to guide American armies in World War I!. A national hero when he returned in 1919, Pershing was given the title General of the Armies, once held exclusively by George Washington!.

John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing
General of the Armies of the United States
In the World War I era, no American military figure was better known than Gen!. John J!. "Black Jack" Pershing!.
Pershing had accomplished the near impossible, whipping an ill-prepared American military into an effective, disciplined, 2 million-member fighting machine in World War I and then leading it to victory as its field commander!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

also of interest, Pershing got the nickname "Black Jack" when he was a commanding officer of black troops!. The U!.S!. Army was segregated until the closing days of WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com