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Position:Home>History> What were the traditional American values of the 1970's?

Question: What were the traditional American values of the 1970's!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Wow! ou're bringing back memories!. I graduated from high school in 1974, and got married in 1977!. I joined the Air Force in 1974, going to basic training six weeks after graduation!.

The early 1970s were a highly turbulent time!. The Viet Nam war was carried over from the 1960s, there were riots and building burnings on college campuses, and home grown terrorists (SDA, Weathermen, SLA, Black Panthers)were running around blowing up buildings and killing police officers!. On top of all that - the Watergate scandel occurred!.
When you now see Barak Obama running on an anti-war message, well, George McGovern openly opposed the war in 1972!. He showed a lot more courage then than!.!.!.!.well, we won't go there!. But, McGovern was a WW2 vet!.

Thus, those of us in high school and college were faced with going out into a highly uncertain world!.

Values were changing rapidly!. Divorces were virtually unheard of, but went up dramatically!. Christian values which had never been challenged were being ridiculed!. Drugs appeared openly in movies, and in a couple cases on TV!. Racism was openly showed, in comedy, on TV on shows like All in the Family and Sanford and Son!. Again - values were changing - rapidly!.

For values, family was still central!. Most people still attended church or synagogue!. Honesty and integrity was highly valued, as was loyalty!.
Back then (early 1970s) people who bought Japanese cars were seen as highly disloyal - because there were still a lot of WW2 veterans who were sensitive to the war!. Interestingly, lots of people owned German and Italian cars!. By the end of the 1970s it was different - lots of people owned Japanese cars!.

It was really a decade of changing values!.

I hope this info helps!.


Morality, hard work and patriotism were still the norm but the younger generation was breaking away from the "Do as I say" lifestyle instilled by their parents!. Gratuitous sex and racially integrated relationships became more common place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com