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Position:Home>History> Qin Dynasty!!!?

Question: Qin Dynasty!!!!?
please!.!.!.list 3 things that the qin emperor instituted in his government that had a lasting effect on china!?!?!?

please answer!!!!! the first answer i believe is right i will choose as best!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, the Qin implemented a Legalist form of government, which was how the former Qin territory had been governed!.

The area was divided up in 36 commanderies which were then subdivided into counties!. These commanderies had a civil governor, a military commander, and an imperial inspector!. The leaders of the commanderies had to report to the Emperor in writing!. ( this is like today where Mandarin (Standard Chinese) is the official language though there are many dialects in china)

They standardized the language and writing of China, which had varied greatly from area to area during the Warring States Period!. This was done partially out of a need to have a consistent way to communicate across the country; administrators had to be able to read the writing of the commandery to which they were sent!.

also, the state had absolute control over the people, and the former nobility lost all of their power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com