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Question: Women in history!?
For my project, i have to dress up as a women in history who is non-american and is from renaissance to present day!. does anyone have ideas, espicially one that would have an easy costume to do and is somewhat known!?!? thanks for your help and if you could give as many suggestions as possible!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For an easy costume I would suggest maybe Florence Nightingale, who would have worn a long dress with an apron over it and a nurse's cap!. She was also famous for carrying a lamp when she went around visiting the sick soldiers at night in the Crimea, in fact she was known as the Lady with the Lamp, so if you carried an old-fashioned lamp that would make you look even more Nightingale-like!.

Or what about being Saint Theresa or Saint Bernadette or even Mother Theresa of Culcutta!? If you were any of those you would just need a nun's costume, which would be quite simple to rig up, you'd just need a plain black or white dress (I think Mother Theresa wore white) and a white pice of cloth to cover your head!.

or you might be Amy Johnson, the famous British flier of the 1930s, you'd need something that would do for a flying costume, a leather jacket, leather gloves and goggles perhaps!?

Or you could be Queen victoria, which would require a Victorian-style dress, if you were doing her as a widow it wouldneed to be plain black, and she always wore a widow's cap, which was white with a veil hanging down her back!.

Or perhaps you could be Jane Austen, which would require a high-waisted dress in the Regency style, and you might carry a book and a quill pen perhaps to make you look writer-like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Marie Antoinette, Madam Currie, Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth 1st or 2nd, Golda Meier, Celine Dion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hello!. I'm not sure of the question, so I'll only mention Sacajawea, Annie Oakley and Elanor Roosevelt!. good luck with your designs!. : }Www@QuestionHome@Com