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Position:Home>History> Did FDR personally supported atomic drop in either Japan or Germany before his d

Question: Did FDR personally supported atomic drop in either Japan or Germany before his death!?
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A letter from Albert Einstein which told President Roosevelt!. Told him he should build one because he was sure the Nazis were already starting there program, which was true!. That is why he started the Manhattan project!. But he never lived to make the decision, take in the factors to make the decision and did not live to see even the prototype finished!. So it is impossible to tell!. All that is certain is because of a personal letter from Albert Einstein saying Nazi Germany was going to be making one and he had to get to USA to be able to build one before Hitler is certain when he died it was to be used on Germany, not Japan!. So no one will ever know!. He created the Manhattan project to make sure we got it before the Nazis to use on the Nazis!. So he would of used it on the Nazis, he made it clear to his cabinet!. But he never new the Nazi' started before is and did not get it!. So he died only knowing it needed to be built before the Nazis had there's and we would use it on them!. So I guess half you questions is historical fact, he would of used it on Germany that was the plan!. But dying before the prototype was built and Germany surrendering before that!. We will never know if after he saw what the bomb (if it was ready and deployed) did to Germany if he would of used it on Japan!. We will never know that partWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of course! He is the one who pushed the program, initially to bomb Germany!. One didn't drop $2 billion dollars in those days on a project (and another $3 billion on the B29 to carry it) without the intention to use it!. Those were the two most expensive programs of the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think FDR knew the importance of achieving that capablity before the Germans or Japanese!. He certainly knew about the work being done on the MP!. I personally think of the two, FDR would have been more likely to use the bomb to bring a swift end to the war!. I think Trumans decission only echoed what had been decided long before he took office!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so secretly!? pfft, all of russia knew it!. (KGB)
He probably would have on germany, but it's kind of hard to tell, since you know, when you die your life flashes before your eyes!. Pretty sure he didn't think about killing lots of japs!. but we can never really know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

FDR personally supported dropping the atomic bomb on Japan before his death!. Keep dreaming, desperado lai_73!.

Nice name change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only thing we truly know is that he was very aware of the Manhattan Project and it was kept soo secretly at the time that not even his VP new about it until Roosevelt died!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, he was the one who started and funded the program to develop the weapon!.!.!.

I believe he would have dropped it too!. but we'll never know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com