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Position:Home>History> Was Oliver Cromwell a Hero or Menace? (Please justify answer)?

Question: Was Oliver Cromwell a Hero or Menace!? (Please justify answer)!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Both!. A hero to some a menace to others, depending on what side of the political fence you were on!. He was a hero in leading the Parliamantary forces to victory during the Civil War against a treasonous monarch who sought to restore an absolute monarchy, took up arms against his own people and was sympathetic to the restoration of the religious tyranny of Roman Catholicism in England & Scotland!.
Not popular with Roman Catholics in Ireland as the ruthlessly concluded the Civil War there by massacring the royalist garrisons at Drogheda & Wexford!. However , he did give Ireland its first representation in Parliament and he provided judicial adminisration in Scotland which prospered under his rule!. His foreign policies were successful, concluding an alliance with France against Spain and peace treaties with Holland and Portugal!.
There is a statue or bust of him outside the House of Commons in London as a reminder of the Supremacy of Parliament !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was a Menace!.!.!. if you ask an Irish Republican, a hero if you like imperial intimidation, torture, and the misuse of power!. Your call though!.!.!. really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was a bundle of "righteous" warts: ;a very unhappy bunny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like homework!. I would love to help, but the point is to learn from it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com