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Position:Home>History> Was Ned Kelly really bad?

Question: Was Ned Kelly really bad!?
Was Ned Kelly the australian outlaw really bad or a hero!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The son of poor Irish immigrants, the teenage Ned Kelly is imprisoned on trumped up charges of horse stealing!. It's not surprising then that after a four year sentence he emerges embittered against a brutal police force that is actively prejudiced against the Irish!.

Things really turn bad when Ned's younger sister Kate is assaulted by a police officer who then lies about the attack and charges Ned and his mother with attempted murder!. Forced to go on the run, Ned is determined to avenge his family and strike back at the system that has wronged them!.

He forms a gang with his brother Dan and friends Joe Byrne and Steve Hart!. So begins their journey through the outback robbing banks to survive, staying one step ahead of the police!. The gang's reputation grows making them the most wanted men in Australia, but all the while the noose is tightening leading them to an Inn in Glenrowan and the bloody conclusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kelly looks like a bad guy to me!. Whatever the provocation (and every villain can find an excuse) murder and theft must be classed as evil actions!.

He was justly hanged, and Australia was well rid of him!. Why some people view him as a hero is beyond analysis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of sites on here about Ned Kelly!.

Edward, " Ned " Kelly, was Bad, he murdered 3 policemen, and then he and his gang was outlaws!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ned kelly was a thieving murdering piece of trash ,nothing more and nothing less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
