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Position:Home>History> Was The Little James lost at sea, or did the ship make it to Plymouth?

Question: Was The Little James lost at sea, or did the ship make it to Plymouth!?
Because I have found two different answers on the internet and in books!. One saying that it was lost at sea during a storm, and the other saying it was blown off course by the storm that also hit it's partner, The Anne, but arrived safely in Plymouth habour a few months after The Anne!.
Which is right!?

also, any other tidbits you can find about the voyages of The Anne and The Little James would be helpful!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Anne and the Little James both arrived in Plymouth in August 1623, the Little James about a week after the Anne!. In April 1624 the Little James sunk in the mud during a storm; it sounds like it was still in port when this happened!.

Scroll down on this link; there's a link on it to info on both ships!.