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Question: History Homework!! Please Help!!!!?
1!.What is the major objective of Federalist Paper #39 as expressed by the title of the essay!?

2!. What were the 3 major elements cited by James Madison as necessary to defend the republican form of government
being considered by the constitutional convention!?

3!. What does James Madison conclude concerning the identification!?

4!. What are the 2 distinctive characteristics of a "republic" according to James Madison!?

5!. Why was it considered to be essential to a republic that its existence be derived from the "great body of people"!?

6!. How does James Madison respond to the issue of the popular election of the administrators, officers and magistrates of the republican government!?

7!. Why did James Madison support the notion that members of the judiciary should retain their offices by the "firm tenure of good behavior"!?

8!. What specific evidence does James Madison present as proof that the new constitutions conformable to the fixed standard of republican government!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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poopy doodoo fart!!Www@QuestionHome@Com