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Position:Home>History> How can someone like Hitler or Mussolini become a dictator of a nation?

Question: How can someone like Hitler or Mussolini become a dictator of a nation!?
Please explain!.!.these men were horrible!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Germany suffered a humiliating defeat in World War I, after that it suffered economic disaster way before America suffered the Great Depression!. Being an extremely proud people there needed to be a way to save face!. Fascism!.

Fascism needed scapegoats!. A people so smart, so strong could only be ruined because of someone else who caused their demise!. And who was to blame!? The Jews (and other lower races and inferior humans that dragged them down)

Pride is the reason Satan fell!. Pride is the first sin!. Pride is what drives Islamic Extremists and their dictators!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't (thankfully) know a lot about what they did or how they did it, but when any fascistic dictator wants power, they:

A) Brainwash the public!.

B) Establish some kind of control!. In Hitler, Mao Se Tung, the Red Army (Cambodia), and a Ugandan dictator (1970s)'s case, they established gun control before killing millions of people!. Seriously--I just did an essay on this and got a quote on Hitler and a quote from Mao Se Tung about them wanting to establish gun control!.

C) Make them think the idea is theirs, and move on with a brainwashed group of people ready to do all sorts of evil things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mussolini sort of took his power by force!. His power came through pressuring the leader at the time to give him second in command, then it went downhill from there!. His dictatorship wasn't as strong as Hitler's

Hitler was more apt at it!. First he tried drunkenly to violently overthrow the government in what is now calle the Beerhall Pusch (spelling!?)!. That failed miserably!. Then, while in prison, he wrote Mein Kampf, which basically described exactly what he would later do!. First, he got his party, the Nazis, to have a majority in the Reichstag!. This he did by using the fear of communism to drive people to vote for them!. Strange as it may seem, fascism is actually a conservative government, and communism a liberal government!. The extremes of the political spectrum!.

Anyway, he became chancellor, the office given to the leader of the party in majority in the Reichstag!. Then after the president of Germany died, the office of president was removed by the Reichstag, leaving Hitler as head (handy, eh!?)!. Next he got the Reichstag to approve a suspension of the constitution for several years, saying it was to help fix some problems, which gave him absolute authority!.
In the words of Milton Friedman, "Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program!."

And to think Hugo Chavez tried to suspend THEIR constitution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

take the dem pres candidates for example, they are telling us all the stuff they are going to do lower gas prices and stuff!.!.well that is what hitler and mussolini did!.!.!.at the time that hitler came to power germany was suffering from a great economic depression and he promised that he would get them out!. the people of germany would have turned to anyone promising that they would get out of the depression!. in a way hitler did just what he said he would do!. he got them out of the depression, just in the wrong way!. he sent alot of them to work making war goods and war materials and that pump primed their economy!. then he tried to take over the world and the people saw how bad he was and changed their minds!. hope that helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

they basicly get the peple inspired and make them belive that change will come and since hitler and musulini were great speakers and knew how to use there hands well during those speaches they absolutely new that they were the ones to change the country

and pepople didnt know wat was to come they didnt no they were gonig to become that evil once in powerWww@QuestionHome@Com

First people such as them gain popularity and support of the people during a time of chaos!. Next, they get into power and use fear to rule their subjects!. hitler came to power during a time of economical chaos!. Mussolini came in when the Italian lira was inflating out of control!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler was elected Chancellor, then used the office to seize more power!.

Germans were desperate for answers during the depression!. Most Germans were not NAZIs!. The appeal of the fascist mentality is that they have the answers people wish for, even though the answers were wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bait! Pretend to give people what they want, say whatever they want to hear and get elected!.Distraction is good too, make someone the focus of hate then be the "savior" from the "threat" you just made up!. Like they are doing right now with the "illegal problem"!. We have ALWAYS had them here, law or no law-but suddenly it's a major crisis!. I smell a rat!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Manipulation, by playing on peoples' fear and hopes, and spreading their messages through propaganda!. It is easy to sway public opinion in desperate times by promising safety, prosperity, and solutions to the problems at hand!. also, some dictators just gain power through force!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they had power!.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely!.
people were afraid of them!.
the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler had a helluva PR machine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You left out the up, and coming Obama!. Watch the news, as history has a funny way of repeating itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's not their mistake, the people behind him!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com