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Position:Home>History> I need help preparing an opening statement for my atomic bomb debate?????

Question: I need help preparing an opening statement for my atomic bomb debate!?!?!?!?!?
I have a debate on the atomic bomb and whether or not if the dropping of the atomic bomb was a good decision!.

I am a mother of the American soldiers and I support the dropping of the atomic bomb!. My main three points are:
-Japan was eventually going to attack the U!.S and they werent planning to give up since every person from the young to the old was armed
-their major objective was to protect the Americans
-In the war of Nanking they tortured the poor Chinese civilians and the American mothers did not want that to happen
-it would end the war faster so that the AMericans could come home

I need to choose atleast three main arguements for my opening statement!. My points are not very strong!.!.!.!.help me find some more strong points to argue for the dropping of the atomic bomb in Japan!.!.!.n help me write the opening statement!.!.!.if ne1 has a sample opening statment please send it to me thxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whatever you do don't say that Japan was 'eventually going to attack the U!.S!.'!. They already had attacked at Pearl Harbor!. By the time the Atom bombs were used in Japan there was no way, barring some 'divine wind' that Japan could have had any hope of every going on the offensive again!.

The atomic bomb saved countless American lives because the Americans would have had to invade mainland Japan to 'win'!. It would have been like D-day at Normandy and Omaha Beach etc but much much worse!. Why!? Because at the beaches in France the defenders were Germans defending French soil!. In Japan, the Japanese defenders would have been defending their homeland!. I think that is a major distinction!. Though I am no expert, the Japanese are much more concerned with honor and saving face than the western cultures!. It is generally accepted that the Japanese would have never given up if the Allies had been on Japanese shores!. The slaughter would have been ongoing!.

Imagine if the Allies (or really the Americans) had to attack, gain a foothold and defend it and eventually fight their way into dominance in Japan!. Virtually every man, woman and child in Japan would have defended their country and their emperor (though they were wrong I feel, who could blame them for defending their home country from an invading army!?) also, Hirohito had a religious following because the Japanese Royal family was supposedly descended from Divinity!. I believe it is still the longest unbroken chain of Royalty in the world, perhaps I'm wrong about that!.

So, Truman drops the bomb because the Allies/Americans could have eventually won since Japan was an island and we could have eventually blockaded, bombed their food supplies and invaded Japan into submission!. But that process would have devastated not only the male population of the U!.S!. but also the entire population of Japan!.

In a strange way the atom bomb saved not just American lives but also many of the Japanese!. It allowed them to have an excuse to surrender and 'save face' when confronted with such an awesome and destructive weapon that the Americans were able and willing to use!.

also, just off the top of my head I don't believe the atrocities of the Japanese at Nanking (which were truly unforgivable) were known to the general public during WWII, but I'm not sure about that!. Excuse me for not looking that up!.

Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

The alternative to the bomb - an invasion of Japan!. It could have been the biggest bloodbath of the war, eclipsing all previous battles fought in World War II, with casualties in the millions!.

Another alternative to the bomb - blockade Japan!. A potential catastrophe for the Japanese with millions of needless deaths!.

Instead, 250 thousand die at Nagasaki and Hiroshima and the war ends immediately!. The bombs probably save a half million US and 5 million Japanese casualties!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You do not know your History!. japan DID attack us on December 7 1941!. The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6 1945!.

You need three reasons!. The reason for NEEDING three reasons is asinine!. What is it, is three a rhetorically nice number!? You only need one reason -- it saved over one million American lives!. Unfortunately, it also saved japanese lives,

1!. It saved at least one million American Lives!. japs did not surrender, even after they were defeated!. they committed suicide instead!. they had special units that committed suicide called kamikaze, jap men flew airplanes packed with explosives into American ships!. As far as I am concerned, we should have dropped atomic bombs on japan if it saved even one American life!.

2!. feeding mushrooms to japs saved millions of Chinese, both military and civilian!.

3!. feeding mushrooms to japs even saved japs!. Surrender prevented them from committing suicide en masse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com