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Position:Home>History> Were there geishas in feudal Japan?

Question: Were there geishas in feudal Japan!?
I'm doing a history project in a group of four girls!. I though it would be fun to also dress up!. also, what other things did women do in those times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes - especially in Kyoto and Hokkaido - there are different types of geishas and they are not all whores in the american sense of the word!. Many will only keep a man company and entertain him for dinner being a friend they are the highest quality women in the world as far as that type of service!. A whore performs sex acts for money which only some geishas will do that for men- so I do not find the term whore applies to geishas as they are not all that!. Women were lower than men in all feudal countries as those were extreme forms and times for patriarchy - if you look at europe it was the same - Japan was the last nation to come out of feudal times only a little over a hundred years ago when the samurai began to fade as japan modernized itself to keep up with the western powers that formed an ever tightening stranglehold on all of asiaWww@QuestionHome@Com

geishas were whores!. please do not dress up as a jap whore for any reason, it is just wrong!. I don't care how many longwinded books you have read about the tragic or dramatic life of geishas!. At the end of the day, they were whores, plain and simple!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Japanese men treat women lowly!.!.!.!.Geishas are worse off then them!.!.!.one can call them glorified 'slave' sex workers, who are 'compensated' and not paid, in some form!. You got to hand it to the Japs, as the classical MCP!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, unfortuantely!. The men didn't treat the women right back then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com