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Position:Home>History> How &why the 'allies' in WW1 were able to dope America into the conflict

Question: How &why the 'allies' in WW1 were able to dope America into the conflict!?
It seems to me somehow Woodrow Wilson wanted to be in the first world war all along,but coudn't get the american people to support him!. Is that one of the reasons why the germans sank the Lusthania ship since it was secretly shipping weapons to Britian & France1Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We got into WW1 for many reasons!. One is the Zimmerman Telegram that was intercepted in which the Germans were trying to entice Mexico as allies for an eventual attack on the US!. Another was the use of German submarine warfare!. Thirdly (probably most important reasons) we were already financially in the war, we gave millions in weapons to the allies and tons of funds!. If the allies lost, the chances of us getting our money back was very slim, so we had to get involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The sinking of the Lusitania did not lead to war!.

Instead of declaring war, Wilson sent a formal protest to Germany!. Wilson was bitterly criticised in Britain as a coward!. In the trenches a shell that did not explode was called a "Wilson!."

Although unrestricted submarine warfare continued at a varying pace into the summer, on August 19 U-24 sank the White Star liner Arabic, with the loss of 44 passengers and crew!. Three of the dead were Americans, and President Wilson angrily protested through German diplomatic channels!.

On August 27, the Kaiser imposed severe restrictions on Uā€boats attacks against large passenger vessels!. On September 18, 1915, he called off unrestricted submarine warfare completely!.

Wilson repeatedly warned Germany that the U!.S!. would not tolerate unrestricted submarine warfare, in violation of international law and U!.S!. ideas of human rights!. Wilson was under pressure from former president Theodore Roosevelt, who denounced German acts as "piracy"!.

Finally, in early 1917 Germany again adopted a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, realizing the Americans would eventually enter the war!. Germany sought to strangle Allied sea lanes before the U!.S!. could transport a large army overseas!. After submarines sank seven U!.S!. merchant ships and the publication of the Zimmerman telegram, Wilson called for war on Germany, which the U!.S!. Congress declared on 6 April 1917!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one not even Wilson wanted to get into world war one!.
Why!? Because of the same things that corrupt politics now!. We had come out of the depression and were making money hand over fist playing both sides by selling supplies military and non to both sides!. It is always about money, most of our enemies today got there weapons from the USA at one time or another!. As a matter of fact when the British blocked Germany, the Germans snuck a supply U-Boat out to the USA a few times to get supplies!. The first one that made it!. We gave the crew a state dinner for being able to run the blockade!. We did not care about a puny 47 American dying on an Ocean Liner, or corporations were make to much money selling to both sides!. What got us into the was, was Germany messed up, to make sure we never even thought of getting into the war, the German Ambassador to Mexico, made an offer to the Mexican government to supply them with men, weapons, planes and ship!. So they could take back all the states Mexico lost in the Mexican-American was!. It was leaked to our government and the pissed off the president that after we were selling them supplies they would conspired to have Mexico invade us, is what did it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats the only way they could pay for american aid - help europe survive the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com