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Position:Home>History> How would you refute the following statement: “Napoleon could NOT establish a ba

Question: How would you refute the following statement: “Napoleon could NOT establish a balance of power b/t the Church!.
“Napoleon could NOT establish a balance of power b/t the Church and Enlightenment ideals!.” is the statement I need help refuting!. And for all of you who are going to be like do your own homework and try harder i did i even called some friends!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Napoleon established the concordat with the pope early in his career as leader of France and made the clergy state officials with state pay!. He returned some of the property the church lost as well and made Catholicism the official religion of France!. Despite this he ensured that the church had little to no control in any affairs of state and later on decided to annex the corruptly run papal states and imprisoned the pope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com