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Position:Home>History> Who were George Edward Pickett's children?

Question: Who were George Edward Pickett's children!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
According to ths source (and dredging memory of books that I have read) two sons with his second wife, George Junior and Corbel-----

"""Returning to Virginia in 1851 after the death of his first wife, he meets LaSalle Corbell, a schoolgirl from Chuckatuck, Virginia!. In 1861, after resigning his commission in the United States Army, he returns to Richmond, and starts courting LaSalle, now a woman of 20!. He corresponds frequently with her, and sees her whenever he can, sometimes leaving his division without permission, to spend time with her!. They are married shortly after the Battle of Gettysburg, in 1863!. George and "Sallie" have two sons, George Jr!. and Corbell!."""

UPDATE found a better source // second son was David Corbell !!
""Brothers George E!. Pickett, Jr!. and David Corbell Pickett (George's sons by Sallie Corbell Pickett), circa 1870!.
---------------George Edward Pickett, Jr!., graduated from Virginia Military Institute in 1883 at the age of 19!. He served in the Spanish American War!. Major Pickett died at sea in 1911 on board an Army transport enroute to the United States from the Philippine Islands!. """
and a child from another earlier marriage
""James Tilton Pickett (1857-1889) was the first child of General George E!. Pickett to survive into adulthood!. His mother, a Native American, married then-Captain Pickett when he was stationed in the Washington Territory""""

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