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Position:Home>History> What percentage of Communists that ruled the Soviet Union were Jewish?

Question: What percentage of Communists that ruled the Soviet Union were Jewish!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The great majority of the communist leadership were Jewish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Initially, some of the leaders in the 1910s were Jewish (there was more than just the Bolshevik Revolution, check your history)!. However, many were disenfranchised after 1917, and Stalin was no friend of Russian or Ukrainian Jews!. I don't know if anyone has an exact number!.

Many Christians were killed by atheistic Communists--there may have been some Jews in the group of leaders, but it wasn't substantial!. Are you trying to imply that Communists were Jewish and therefore that's why they killed "Christians"!? You are wrong--Stalin was a brutal dictator who exiled (to Siberia) and killed millions of people but not just for religious beliefs--he killed by ethnic group, political affiliation, general distrust and many other reasons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not that they persecuted Christians, Russia under Stalin's communists were Slavic and persecuted all groups (in episodes known as the Great Purges) who were deemed as opposition or enemies to communism!. These groups actually included Jews!.

The Soviet leaders after the holocaust did not recognise the genocide of Jewish people, but the mass slaughter of Soviet citizens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont know, but it was not significant!. the most prominent was leon trotsky, who was murdered by soviet intelligence!.
the soviet government was secular, and had nothing to do with religion!.
crimes commited by the soviet government were motivated by a desire to keep down certain supposedly threatening ethnicities and other groups!. jews were not particularly persecuted as a matter of policy, though when jews were murdered in kiev after wwii, the soviet leadership was slow to end the disturbances!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Troll, 0%, Communists forbade Judaism, persecuted millions of Jews til the end of the USSR, Jews killed no one, and apparently no one has ever taught your ilk Holocaust history!.



I'd like to see you try and prove otherwise!.

Not that I care much about what you say anyway - I've read your past answers!. But it'd still be amusing to imagine you groping around for imaginary information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
