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Position:Home>History> Jane Goodall/ any knowledge?

Question: Jane Goodall/ any knowledge!?
My son had a dispute with his teacher today about jane!.
She said that she was attacked and killed by a gorrilla, and I recall hearing that she was murdered and it was made to look as if the chimps did it!.
Anybody have any info, or a decent site to do the research!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your all wrong she is still alive, I read in the news she just got some other award this year!. Here is her website, give this to tthe teacher and tell him/her they are an idiot!.

Good news! Dr!. Goodall is alive and kicking according to her very own Jane Goodall Institute website!. In fact she gave a lecture and address at the U!. of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine last Saturday!. Take a look at the following announcement:


Jane Goodall is alive and well and doing a lot of environmental social programs!.

I think your son is thinking of Dian Fossy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com