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Position:Home>History> Is socrates disciple plato was having an affair with socrates wife?

Question: Is socrates disciple plato was having an affair with socrates wife!?
i searched some sites but could nt confirm it!. is that true !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds totally improbable!. Xanthippe has come down in history as having the reputation of a nag at best!. Not at all attractive!. Plus she was a couple decades older than Plato!. Granted some men go for older women, but older plus an ugly and nasty one!? Plato was supposed to be wise, not a jerk!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like a great storyline for a day time soap opera!. I also heard the George bush was having a little thing on the side with Hilary, Ha Ha!Www@QuestionHome@Com