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Question: WW2!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?s!?
In the Battle of Britain

who were the major combatants

how many troops were involved

who were the commanding officers in charge of the battle

what were the casualties for the various sides (injured/deaths)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. August-October 1940) a series of air battles over southern England between the Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II!. German bombers attacked British coastal defenses, radar stations, and shipping in preparation for an invasion , then began a campaign of night bombings over London, Coventry, and other cities (the Blitz)!. The RAF lost about 900 planes, and the Luftwaffe some 2, 300; the battle was Germany's first major setback of World War II, and invasion plans were abandoned!.

2!. Drawing from regular RAF forces as well as the Auxiliary Air Force and the Volunteer Reserve, the British could muster some 1,103 fighter pilots on 1 July!. The selection processes of potential RAF candidates were more concerned with social standing than actual aptitude leading up to the war!.[20] Replacement pilots, with little actual flight training and no gunnery training whatsoever, suffered high casualty rates!.

The Luftwaffe could muster more fighter pilots—1,450—and they were more experienced overall!. Drawing from a cadre of Spanish Civil War veterans, they had comprehensive courses in aerial gunnery, as well as instructions in tactics that were suited for fighter versus fighter combat!.

3!. British commander: RAF Fighter Command Headquarters was located at RAF Bentley Priory, near Stanmore in North London!. The Commanding Officer was Air Marshal Hugh C!.T!. Dowding!.

Fighter group commanders:
Air Vice-Marshal Sir Christoper Quintin-Brand
Air Vice-Marshal Keith Park
Air Vice-Marshal Trafford Leigh-Mallory
Air Vice-Marshal Richard Saul

Luftflotte 2
Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, commanded by Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring, OOB from 13 August 1940!.
There are so many German fighting units (9-10, maybe more) it is too lengthy to list each commander!.

4!. Though heavily outnumbered, the RAF put up a gallant defense; radar, used for the first time in battle, played an important role!. The Germans lost some 2,300 aircraft; the RAF lost some 900!. The Battle of Britain was the first major failure of the Germans in World War II, and it thwarted Hitler's plan to force Britain to accept peace or face invasion!.


The Battle of Britain was nothing but an air battle!. The German Luftwaffe bombed London and the Royal Air Force bombed Berlin!. Berlin was hit harder than London!. Berlin was nearly bombed to the ground!. The Germans wanted control of the English Channel because they were going to invade Britain!. As we know, this did not happen!. Germany began with 4000 aircraft and Britain had 1660 aircraft!. Britain had once advantage above the Germans!. They had RADAR!! Anyways!.!.!.there's just a little background!. I found you a website which had this info on it and much much more!! I'm a history major and this is my favorite part of history!!Www@QuestionHome@Com