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Position:Home>History> When did child labour end in Britain??

Question: When did child labour end in Britain!?!?
When did it end and what act ended it thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

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From Regulation to Legislation

The first Factory Act of 1802, the Health and Morals of Apprentices Act, limited hours of work and laid down minimum standards of hygiene and education, but it was not until 1819 that a second Factory Act, drafted by a textiles employer, Sir Robert Peel, father of a future prime minister, applied to all children, pauper apprentices or “free”!. Neither Act achieved its objectives, and it was not until 1833 that enforcement, a necessary corollary of legislation, began to work!. An Act of that year required the appointment of inspectors!. It forbade the employment of children under nine at any time and prescribed for those children aged between 9 and 13 a maximum of 9 working hours a day and for workers aged between 14 and 18 a maximum of 12 hours a day!.

Towards a National Education System

By the 1860s it was the demoralizing impact of child labour that was given most attention, particularly but not exclusively by Shaftesbury, and in 1867 it was made illegal to employ any children under the age of eight in a gang and no women or children in a gang in which men worked!. A further Act was passed in 1873 making the employment of children everywhere contingent upon a record of school attendance!. That was three years after Britain’s first national Education Act (see Forster, William Edward) which, step by step, changed the place of children in the economy and in society!. It was a step on the way when a Consolidating Act of 1878 brought under a general definition all factories and workshops!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It hasn't ended in any country!. While there are laws to prevent it, it goes on and on and on! We'll never stop it because we are human animals subject to the same laws of nature that every other life form is subject toWww@QuestionHome@Com

When the child was born!.Www@QuestionHome@Com