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Question: Question about Imperialism!?
Was imperialism beneficial or harmful to developing nations!? What are some specific examples of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Both, depending on circumstances!.

Consider India: An effective democratic government and civil administration emerged, post-colonization, based largely on the English model!. Then again, some Indian's truly suffered under colonial rule, which at times featured arbitrary detention and full-blown massacres!.

Over all, I personally believe Imperialism was not good for developing nations!. For the most part, the saw their resources exploited by the Imperialists and were brutalized during their fights for liberation!. Many of these countries did not receive any tangible benefits from colonization or imperialism, and remain the poorest on Earth today!. Look at the countries of Africa and the Middle East for examples!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

BOTH beneficial and harmful!.
- European imperialism caused a stalemate in many of the different countrys' developments, through their proceedings such as "divide and conquer!." Those countries will still advance to the level of nation-state and higher, because along with the exploitation of their culture and people, the Europeans also brought the means to advance to an industrial society!. With those abilities they can still flourish in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on your point of view!. Many English imperialists argued that by colonising distant (or not so distant, eg!. Ireland) lands, they were bringing the benefits of cvilization to the 'savages'!. This is both naive, and yet in some ways applicable!.

Take for example, imperial India!. While in many ways the British presence in India was oppressive, it still provided India with a huge infrastructure of postal services, roads, railways - some of which were used to great effect by Indian rebels during the First War of Independence/Indian Mutiny of 1857-8!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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