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Position:Home>History> Who picked and chose the right Gospel in the New Testament?

Question: Who picked and chose the right Gospel in the New Testament!?
Who was the authority who picked and chose the politically correct Gospels to be in the New Testament!?

Recent evidence points to there being dozens of other Gospels that were written about the same time and some Gospels not included in the Bible were written even before the Gospels that were included!.

This sounds like conspiracy to me!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
extremely biased people who put out all of the stops to give their agenda a divine endorsementWww@QuestionHome@Com

Welcome to Dan Brown's world! The truth is that the emperor Constantine ordered the bishops of the known world to attend the Council of Nice around 325 CE(AD)!.

These bishops hammered out what we know today as the Roman Catholic Church, but it was just called Christianity at the time!. They had to decide (by vote) not only what writings would be in the Christian bible, but even voted on the question of the divinity of the savior! The immaculate conception was born then, as was transubstantiation!.

It wasn't so much a conspiracy, as a reflection of the most persuasive bishops of the mid-fourth century!. Of course, any idea contrary to the decisions of the Coucil were all considered heresy and punishable by torture, death, and dismemberment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Councils of early bishops!. They used criteria like what was writen earliest, what was in line with the church's beliefs, what could be traced best to someone with 1st or 2nd hand experience with Jesus!. They left out incomplete gospels that told a part of his life like the ones with just the Passion or just quotes from Jesus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


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