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Position:Home>History> Why did high protective tariffs hurt southerners more than northerners?

Question: Why did high protective tariffs hurt southerners more than northerners!?
I'm trying to find the answers to these stupid questions by Yahoo! Answers, and I hope it will work, because all my worksheets are due before the last week of school, and if I don't turn them in, I fail! Help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The South exported, cotton, tobacco, lumber, and other goods to Europe in exchange for manufactured goods!. Because there was a high tariff on imported manufactured goods, and the South took in more imports than the North, Southerners paid a higher percentage share of taxes!. The Northern manufacturers were also using the tarfiff as a way for them to jack up prices on their goods, which would be just a little less expensive than those imported!.Www@QuestionHome@Com