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Position:Home>History> I need a title for a civil war paper..?

Question: I need a title for a civil war paper!.!.!?
okay!. i have an essay about mjor important people in the Civil War!.

now i need a title page and i picture to go with it!.

its hard to narrow things down becuase there are so many people that deal with different things and also from diferent sides!.

so!. thank you for your help!.

( i need title and pic!. to go with it!. ) ____ THANK YOU!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try this for a title:
One Nation Divided
sub title
Americas Civil War

As for a Picture copy a Picture of Abe Lincoln and Jefferson Davis!. Place one picture on one side of the Title and one picture on the Other side!.
Kind of like this:

Americas Civil WarWww@QuestionHome@Com

Pix: How about a battle pic - doesn't highlight any individual you're reporting on thereby avoiding a bias prior to reading!.
Title: HELL - just kidding!
"Onus of the Great American Divide!?" - assuming your reprt is on each individuals contribution - good or bad- to the biggest division (literally) of our country!. (i!.e!. Who's responsible!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok!. do it on Robert E!. Lee (he rocks) and uummmm!.!.!.!. title it "Our American Hero" yea!.!.!.!. http://www!.old-picture!.com/civil-war/pic!.!.!. thats a pic!. there are more at google!.com and type in robert e!. leeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Supporters and the Rebels of the Union!.Www@QuestionHome@Com