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Position:Home>History> Anne frank? ASAP!?

Question: Anne frank!? ASAP!!?
what was Anne Franks contribution to the growth and develment of the united states!? i just need some backround info on her so i know what to research on please!. i have already used wikipedia and a lot of people are saying that anne frank HAD no contribution!. im really in a bind because the WHOLE essay is about that and i need to type it!. please helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's kind of a subjective issue, but I think her diary was a HUGE literary contribution!. She gave a name and a face to the suffering Jewish people during WW 2!. The thought of having 6 million Jews killed is atrocious, but it's a number so high that it's pretty unfathomable - you can't picture it or grasp it really!. She left a mark on the world as a young girl who had to come of age not only in wartime, but hiding in an attic nonetheless!. I don't know about her contribution to the growth and development of the US, but she definetly had a big impact on the literary world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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