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Position:Home>History> What key events in Europe and Asia led to WWII?

Question: What key events in Europe and Asia led to WWII!?
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In Europe, the unfair terms listed in the Treaty of Versailles made at the end of WWI led to immense nationalism in Germany and many wanted revenge on the French, who had taken much of their land!. At the end of WWI, Germans thought they were winning the war and their defeat was a devastating blow!. Hitler was one of these devastated germans and he soon seized control of the Nazi party and legitimately came to power with the help of his S!.A!. To gain the support of the military, hitler turned against his S!.A!. and murdered thousands of them!. the military pledged their allegiance and he gained total control of germany!. then he began an arms race to relieve inflation of incredible amounts (prices rose from 9 marks to 4 trillion marks) and the arms race would eventually involve all major powers!. then they began their bliztgrieg (lightning war) in which they would gain control of countries and territories in only a few days or a few weeks!. The major powers were slow to respond until churchill became prime minister of england!. He then declared War on Germany when they refused to stop their expansion!. Russia defended Poland and the balkans (which is slavic with russia as their protector)!. France was invaded, and half of france went along with the nazis while the other half fought!. Americans came to the europeans aid, and the japanese felt they would have an advantage on the americans and bombed pearl harbor!. i believe that japan also invaded china once again!. america declared war on japan!. also, the ottoman empire began fighting along with the nazis and the itallians were pulled in with their fellow fasci, although more reluctantly, and voila, world war II began!. that's the basic idea, but it's so complex!. you really have to go back 100 years to the revolutions of 1848 and the italian and german unification!. it's all complicated and deeply rooted in europeadn history!.

also, the idea of a superior race had much to do with it!. Japanese saw themselves as a superior race as did the germans!. just thought i'd throw that in!. hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1931 - The Austrian and German economy collapse!.
1933 - Hitler becomes Chancellor!.
1931-1932-1937 Japan attacks China and then starts a full-scale invasion of that country!.
1935 - Mussolini decides to invade Ethiopia!.Great Britain replies with an embargo against Italy!.
1936-1939 - Spanish Civil war!. The fascist powers ( Italy, Germany ) massively help Franco's rebel army, while France and Great Britain ask for a weapons embargo and don't help the Spanish Republic ( the USSR does, but with little efficiency )
1938 - The Munich conference agreement!. Chamberlain ( GB ) and Daladier ( Fr ) show Hitler they are ready to sell off their allies ( Czechoslowakia ) to obtain "appeasement"!.
1939 - Battle of Khalkin Gol ( Mongolia ) between the Japanese and Soviet armies!. The defeated Japanese decide it's too hard a job to conquer Siberia and turn their plans towards Southeast Asia and the Pacific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I remember correctly it was a combination of things!. The economy had a huge part!. Germany felt that they were the ones that took all of the blame for WWI and they didn't want to pay up!. There was a lot of civil unrest in Germany which enabled Hitler to win office!. Another reason for both Germany and Japan was land!. Germany's invasions of other countries brought the Allies into the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The full story is much too long to relate here!. The following references are recommended:Www@QuestionHome@Com

WWI!. Germany was completely screwed over after it ended!. When Hitler started giving them ideas about gaining power everyone in Germany jumped on board!. Hence the idea that WWII was merely a continuation of WWI!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

political radicalism,racial superiority,economic problems!.!.!.expansionism by Axis powers!.i think these factors led to WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I would say the killing of jews and Hitler invading different countries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com