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Position:Home>History> If you are a big history buff, could you please help?

Question: If you are a big history buff, could you please help!?
I really need your opinion!. Did Roosevelt "sell out" to the Russians in WWII!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Roosevelt was in failing health at Yalta!. He knew America was tired of war!. He didn't play hardball with the Russians!. Churchill was more wary and realistic, but by that time the British were minor players!. (Not to disparage the British who alone held the Germans off before we entered the war!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Roosevelt knew Stalin was a blood-thirsty nut, but he was a valuable ally at a very crucial time - and it was more important to beat Germany!. also the US was considerable weakened and in no position to overthrow Stalin at the time!. It was far better to bargain with him!.

It's tough being a world leader!. Sometimes you are forced to prioritize your battles - even at the expense of your personal moral principles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You bet!. It isn't as if he did so on purpose!. He just has the politicians' usual failing of thinking words mean more than they do!. Except in the US, and even here to a large degree, people think democracy with disarmament of the populace will keep them safe!. Only those in oppressed countries and the gun nuts in the US seem to remember that all political power comes from the muzzle of a gun!. FDR simply didn't keep it in mind that agreements with the Soviets were meaningless unless backed by troops on the ground, and eastern Europe (among others) paid the price!.Www@QuestionHome@Com