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Position:Home>History> How are MLK and Malcolm X similar and Different from each other?

Question: How are MLK and Malcolm X similar and Different from each other!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One often talked about the "white" ancestor he resented and had some reddish tinges in his black hair - -

Both are commonly referred to by their first names alone - by regular people not just by those who lived and knew them on a first-name basis

One attended college, seminary, university attaining the degree of Doctor (Ph!.D!.) while the other began reading voraciously during his term in prison and came to his religious "conversion" to Islam thereafter (see AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X)

the parents of King outlived him while Malcolm's father's death in a Lansing, Michigan event scarred him and led to his mother's mental breakdown

one developed a Clergy group that lasts to this day (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) while the other worked to open up the Black Muslim organization in ways that were more universalist and cross-racial!. !. !.

both were mysteriously assassinated in public places; the seemingly convicted and guilty assailant of Dr!. King was later deemed innocent by the children and widowWww@QuestionHome@Com