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Question: Argentina Questions!!!!!?
Who is the current Argentina leader!?
Argentina's special traditions!?
Argentina's past time!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The current president of Argentina is Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner!.

Special traditions include most Catholic holidays!. The main holidays include the May Revolution (May 25), Independence Day (July 9), National Flag day (June 20), and the death of national hero Jose de San Martín (August 17)!.

On Christmas Eve, many families gather at 9 p!.m!. for dinner, music, and dancing!. Candies are served just before midnight, when fireworks displays begin!. They also open gifts from Papa Noel (Santa Claus) on Christmas Eve!.

On New Year's Day fireworks are shot off as well!.

Soccer is the number one sport pastime in the country!. But the official national sport is pato, a game played on horseback with a six-handled ball!.

The tango is the national dance!.

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