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Position:Home>History> What were the original Chateaux like and why?

Question: What were the original Chateaux like and why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The traditional chateaux were not actually castles as we may initially beleive but large manor houses where royalty or nobility would stay for their holidays!. They were in the same (but slightly more grand) architectural form as many city houses but had larger windows and more openings to let air in throughout the day!. The interiours were normally lavishly furnished!.

This ended when war begun and the weak manors were replaced with strong fortresses which were dubbed chateaux just like the old manor houses!. The interiors were ase plush as before but the outer walls made for a stronger defence should there be an invasion or siege!.

Hope I helped

A-E DWww@QuestionHome@Com

why exactly are you researching this!?School!? self intrest!?