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Position:Home>History> Did Stalin ever plan to attack Germany prior WW2?

Question: Did Stalin ever plan to attack Germany prior WW2!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There were plans in 1936 for a major attack of the Red Army against Germany, across Poland and Czechoslowakia in case of all-out war in Europe, would the USSR find itself in an alliance with western powers!. But after august 1939 and the Hitler-Stalin pact to destroy and divide Poland, these plans were cancelled!.!.!. Still because of the former war plans the Red Army was positioned too near the new border ( the Narew line ) to match efficiently the German attack on june 22d 1941!.!.!.!.90 % of the Soviet Air Force was destroyed in two days like sitting ducks on their bases!.!.!.waiting for Stalin's orders which never came!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Stalin always expected to be attacked again by the West, just as the west had attacked the Reds during the Russian Civil War!. This expectation shaped a lot of Stalin's drive to modernize the Soviet Union and since it came true!.!.!.!.

Lenin's government had always seen the "Revolution" as expanding, as an inevitable occurence in every country!. Planning at that time expected the rest of Europe to become communist!.

Stalin, while nominally calling for international revolution, was much more conservative, backed by the peasants and busy consolidating internal power, rather than attempting to expand it outside of the country!. His institution of Russification and his purges of the foreign "delegates" reinforced this isolationist stance!. Of course, given a good opportunity, he snatched everything he could, as Poland and Finlanf certainly show!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Stalin and Hitler signed a non-aggression pact just before the war began, so that they could carve up Poland between them!. This did not stop Hitler from attacking Russia after he decided that an attack on Britain could not succeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he never said anything to me about it!.!.!.but you could never tell with that guy, those Georgians!!.!.mercurial!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com