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Position:Home>History> Would America attack Japan if the latter has not attack Pearl Harbour?

Question: Would America attack Japan if the latter has not attack Pearl Harbour!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the US would have still entered into the conflict, most likely as a result of a submarine attack in the Atlantic!. FDR was waiting for a reason, the Japanese attempt to take us out with a quick punch was just what they were hoping for, but make no mistake, FDR would have found a reason!.

Once the US had entered into war with Germany, the other theater would have followed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

FDR forced Japan's hand through the embargo of oil and other war materials to Japan!. Japan had to either come to terms with the USA or do what they did!. They had no choice but peace or war and they choose war!.
So had Japan decided to come to terms the USA, FDR would not have had the public support, or reason to go to war with Japan!. Japan would have had to withdraw its forces back to Manchuria!. Perhaps Japan would have rebuilt and modernized its military, and once German invaded the USSR they may have attempted another land grab against the USSR in conjunction with Germany!. Had German and Imperial Japanese forces managed to make contact in the USSR the USSR might have been removed from the war the Axis would have a united front and interior lines of communication!. But that is all speculation!. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is one of those 'what if' questions that is hard to answer!. I think that if the Japanese had not bombed Pearl Harbor, we would not have gotten involved in the war in the same extent that we did!. We already provided a good bit of goods such as weapons and fuel to the Allies!. Churchill had many talks about us joining them in WWII, for many years, but it was only after the bombing that we joined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com