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Question: Marie Antoinette! There might be an answer already!.!. give me yours too!!?
I need the route that Marie Antoinette took from her homeland to France when she was sent of to marry!. I NEED IT! PLEASE HELP!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know the whole route, but if it helps, she first met her fiance Louis on an island in the Rhine near the town of Kehl and the city of Strasbourg!. An oriental pavilion was built to house her while waiting for the French entourage; it probably looked something like this one http://www!.reggie!.net/japan/nara/2010193!.!.!.

The island is no longer there- it was submerged when various damming projects were done!. It was very tiny and I don't believe it's name was recorded, but why they chose it is interesting- the Rhine was the border of the Holy Roman Empire (Marie's family lands- did not include Rome incidentlaly, but mostly German speaking lands) and France (her fiance Louis's lands), so the island was like a no-man's land and thus a great place for an Austrian archdutchess and a French dauphin (or was he king by then!? can't remember) to meet!. Picture of an island in the Rhine: http://www!.antiquemapsandprints!.com/SCAN!.!.!.

From Strasbourg she would have traveled by carriage to Paris!.

She actually married Louis twice!. The first time was in Austria (he was not there, but married her through his representative- it's called marriage by proxy)!. This is the Augustine Church in Vienna where they married- http://upload!.wikimedia!.org/wikipedia/co!.!.!.
She would have knelt at this altar http://farm2!.static!.flickr!.com/1277/8610!.!.!.

The journey from Hofburg Palace (pictures http://images!.google!.com/images!?q=hofbur!.!.!. ) to Strasbourg took about 10 days!. They traveled slow due to a huge baggage train and guards and ladies in waiting!. They came to the island and she was officially transferred to France after a tea ceremony in the pavilion!.

She arrived in France in early May 1770 and late that month (May 16) was married to Louis in person at the Chapel Royal at Versailles!. (pictures http://www!.virtourist!.com/europe/versail!.!.!. )

It was, of course, a lavish wedding- her dress was was studded with pearls and diamonds!. This is the groom soon after the wedding to give an idea what he looked like http://upload!.wikimedia!.org/wikipedia/co!.!.!. (he later became much heavier with several chins)!.

Her "wedding picture" from the second marriage: http://www!.antique-prints!.de/shop/Media/!.!.!.

The marriage itself of course was a total disaster from the wedding night onward!. They did not have sex until 7 years after the wedding due to a combination of his physical and psychological problems, though they then had 4 children (which the French people, who despised her and called her empty headed and lavish- the Paris Hilton of her day [and her Paris] in a way- and they accused her of having affairs and getting pregnant by other men!. In truth, the children were probably her's and Louis's!.

Like her husband, she "made a good death" however, meaning she died with dignity!. A good scrapbook could be made of her time in the tower with scenes of the French Rev if you don't have time to do one of the wedding!.

Go to Google and type in the name of any place and hit images and you'll get things to add, incidentally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thru Varennes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com