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Position:Home>History> I NEED HELP! 10 points best answer. Marie Antoinette?

Question: I NEED HELP! 10 points best answer!. Marie Antoinette!?
Ok so if you asnwered any of my previous many questions you know that im doing a scrapbook project on Marie Antoinette!. Now i have goten lots of great ideas!. but i need to know how to do them!. for instance, someone reccomended me that i should put a map of her journey from her homeland to the french border!. how the hell would i do that!?!?!? If you can give me an answer that actually is going to make me know how to do it and actually do it!.!.!.I will appreciate that and choose you as best answer!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How fun!! I love History projects!

Well, you could get a map of Europe that focuses just on the region you need!. Then draw a picture (cut one out, download one etc) of a carriage, an elaborate one, and draw its route from Austria to France with dotted lines!. You can put cute things on the map, like cartoon pictures of forest creatures, the Alps, someone in Liederhosen, etc!.!.!.

Okay, I just read your added info!.!.!.

Here's a map of Europe:

You'll need a closer image, so try to draw just the area you need!. It doesn't have to be perfect!. Here's a real map of Europe:

But you don't want one that is so detailed like this, or your carriage will not stand out!. That's why the 1st map is ideal!.

Here is a map of Austria:

And one of France:

This is just so you know where the cities you need to reference are located!.

Anything else!?

PS Your dad sounds very smart! I like his idea :)

Hold on!.!.!.!. I have her biography, let me go get it and get the route she took!.!.!.!.

It looks like she started at her home, near Schonbrunn, with stops at Melk, Munich, Augsburg, Gunzburg, Ulm, Freiberg, , then through the Black Forest to the abbey at Schuttern, which was the last night in German territory!.

She was handed over to the French officials at on a bridge in the Rhine river, between the towns of Savoy (Germany) and it looks like Strasbourg in France!. This hand-over was done on the Rhine River border!. Then they went to the French towns of Nancy, Chalons-sur-Marne, Soissons, and then Compiegne-where she met her husband to be for the first time!. Then they went to La Muette, and finally the trip ended at the palace of Versaille in France (near Paris)!.


Hope that helps!!Www@QuestionHome@Com