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Position:Home>History> Are there any plans to compensate Afroamericans for the treatment they recieved

Question: Are there any plans to compensate Afroamericans for the treatment they recieved as slaves ,during the jimcrow!?
Slavery and jimcrow eras tratment of AfroamericanWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's a good question - but unfortunately, no!. The African American people are one of the many groups who have suffered over the course of American History!. (There have been many, trust me!.) But yes, the African Americans have had their fair share of pain with slavery, the Civil War, Jim Crow Laws, race riots, segregation, etc!. Although some have been compensated (one group - the Japanese families that were interned during WWII) the African Americans were not really compensated, and it doesn't look like they will be any time in the future!. Maybe it is because from the time of the end of slavery to segregation, people still did not realize the issue of equality - (segregation, disenfranchisement and other problems lasted for almost a century after the Civil War!) But unfortunately, not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One reason I oppose such "compensation" is: there is no living person who was a slave, and no living person who was an owner of slaves (in the U!.S!.; for contemporary slavery, look at the mid East and Africa)!. Therefore, to pay compensation to currently living persons would be to pay those who have never been enslaved by taking money from those who have never owned slaves!.

This is not compensation, this is theft!.

But, slavery was a massive theft of labor, liberty, and dignity of those in the past who suffered it!? Agreed!. But if I take 100 dollars from you, and then repay someone else after you die, although that someone else is better off by my paying it, you are not compensated!. But more to the point, if my great-great-grandson has property he has worked for and earned confiscated to pay to your great-great-grandson (from whom nothing was taken), justice is not done and injustice is perpetuated!.

I know, that 100 dollars would have been saved and would have earned interest all this time, so current generations have a legitimate claim!. Sorry, I don't buy it!. There has been too much water under the bridge since the wrong was done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!. Slaverly was an abomination!. However, no slaves, or slave-owners are still alive, and so I do not see how compensation can be paid by one to the other!. Segregation was a horrible thing too, but who is going to pay the compensation for it, and where is the money to come from!? Governments only have so much money to spend, and if they start dishing out vast sums in compensation to this or that group, what is going to happen to education, health, policing etc!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gee, I don't know, I didn't realize there were any afro Americans around who had suffered from this!. There were, really!? NOT! Not even their grandparents or great grandparents!. GET OVER IT!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are kidding - right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com