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Position:Home>History> THIS IS A SUPER IMPORTANT QUESTION! Marie Antoinette help!?

Question: THIS IS A SUPER IMPORTANT QUESTION! Marie Antoinette help!!?
I'm doing a project on her!. I have to make a scrapbook that would have been "hers" with things from her life!. SO far im putting in family tree and a flower from a painting and a self portrait and a piece of silk from her dress!. i want to put in a banquet or party or some kind of invintation that she might have gotten(some of this can be fiction,!."!.i!.e!. a flower that Louis XIV gave her"!.!.!.who knows if he really gave her a flower!?) i need to know!. so maybe if u could find out any friends that she had or some parties that she might of gone to!.!.!.something similar!. also, if you have any other ideas of what i could put in this scrapbook would be really great!. ALL IS APPRECIATED FOR THOSE WHO ARE TRYING TO HELP ME GET AN A AND THANK YOU TO THOSE OF YOU THAT HELPED!!! 10 points for best answer!.!.!.!.this needs to b turned in soon so if you could hurry it up ASAP>>>That'd b great!. thanks everyone!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She loved to live the 'simple life' at her palace at the Petit Trianon, where she would dress up and pretend to be a shepherdess, so maybe something to do with that!? Perhaps a shepherdess's crook or something!? or maybe a woolly lamb!?

And perhaps some pictures of her children, of whom she was very fond!?

one of her closes friends was the Princess de Lambelle, so she might have had an invatation to a party from her!. also of course there was her friend Axel Fersen, the Swedish nobleman who may have been her lover, perhaps you could have something to do with him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

This might be totally off the wall, but maybe some sort of "receipt" from a dress maker or something!. Or maybe just a "business card" kind of thing, because she was so well known for her elaborate dresses and spent so much money on them that it might be interesting to put something along those lines in there!. I know there weren't really receipts or business cards then, but maybe just a calling card or something similar!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Remember she was very vain!.And she loved the outrages hairstyles so how about thing for her hair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com