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Position:Home>History> Manubus ... From Early American History ?

Question: Manubus !.!.!. From Early American History !?
I am taking a mid-term today and on my study guide is a concept of 'manubus and totem' - does anybody know what this is !?

I have read, re-read, and googled it and can't find it anywhere!.

The only thing I could find on google were Latin sites, and my class is early American history!. Do any history buffs know what this concept is !? I have my mid-term in an hour and half and cannot reach my teacher !.!.!. could it be a typo !?

Thanks !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try the spelling "Manobos" and there's a lot more!. It's one of those words like Canib/Carib (also Latin tribes) that has multiple spellings and Manobos is the one used by most recent English authors!.

PS- I should add that the Manobo are a people in the Phillipines!. Does that make sense for your class!?

Early American history is my field and I have no idea what this term is!. You probably have it spelled incorrectly in your notes!. And a tip from someone on the other side of the desk: if you try to contact your professor with a question about an exam the day of the exam, we delete your e-mail and laugh at you!. You should've been studying for this long ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com