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Position:Home>History> One major factor contributing to Ronald Reagan's defeat of President Carter

Question: One major factor contributing to Ronald Reagan's defeat of President Carter in 1980 was!?!? (can ne 1 help me!?)
One major factor contributing to Ronald Reagan's defeat of President Carter in 1980 was!?!?

a)the Persian Gulf War

b)the Camp David Accords

c)the hostage crisis in Iran

d)the decline of the New Right

Can ne 1 help me!? I am confused!!! All help is greatly appreciated!.=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The hostage crisis in Iran!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well c!. is the answer you're looking for, but there was a lot more to it than that!. Jimmy was hobbled by an economy that was tanking, and a national mood that was in the toilet!. His charismatic toothy smile was nothing against Ronnie's hair, and movie star good looks!. Jimmie had pissed off congress a couple of years back, and couldn't get a bill passed for nothing!. The final straw pretty much was when the rescue attempt he authorized failed in the desert, and several service men died out in the middle of nowhere, and he had to go on national TV and take responsibility for the disaster!. This country let a bunch of extremist Muslim clerics on the other side of he world hijack our election, and put in office a man that could have gotten us all blown up!. His economic policies, and his political beliefs hobble us even today in our lack of ability to heal the environment, our inability to sustain an employed workforce, our lack of union support, and our lack of civil rights, and the shrinking of the middle class, and growing poverty class Amongst other things!.
Just go with C!. I'll quit my rant!.!.!.!.for nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

definitely the hostage crisis, but on top of the that, Jimmy Carter was incapable of handling the office!. also, the rabbit incident made him look like a sissy: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carte!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reagan got the hostages out of Iran!.Www@QuestionHome@Com