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Position:Home>History> Help with history please?

Question: Help with history please!?
A!. Imagines
B!. Plebians
C!. Acanthus
D!. Pantheon
E!. Parthenon
F!. Pericles
G!. Intaglio
H!. Patricians
I!. Archaic
J!. Insulce
51!.a famous, magnificent temple in Rome built to worship the Roman gods - H
52!. a carving in which the image is incised below the surface of a stone or other material - C
53!. the name of the plant whose leaves were used on the top of Corinthian columns - E
54!. the privileged class of ancient Roman citizens - D
55!. an early time period of Greek art - F
56!. poor houses of the later Roman era that were built in long blocks and covered by one roof - A
57!. the most famous of all Greek temples located on the Acropolis - I
58!. the poor class of ancient Roman citizens - B
59!. he commissioned the building of the most famous Greek temple in 447 BCE - J
60!. wax portrait masks - GWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
51 - D
52 - G
53 - C
54 - H
55 - I
56 - J
57 - E
58 - B
59 - F
60 - AWww@QuestionHome@Com