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Position:Home>History> The Vikings? Please help. I have a test tomorrow...?

Question: The Vikings!? Please help!. I have a test tomorrow!.!.!.!?
List 2 places where a slave could be bought or sold!.

Name 3 duties of a household slave!.

If a female slave had a baby, who did it belong to!?

Greek slaves were highly prized because they had good educations!. List 2 jobs these slaves would have done!.

List 2 ways a slave could become free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this is hard to answer without the book, i will try answering using common sense :-p

1 im guessing another country that they traded with
2 cleaning, cooking,
3 the slave owner
4 write viking folklore and history, manage income
5 work a certain amount of years, marry the slave owner, buy they're freedom!.
sorry cant be more help but you can always check through wikipedia see what they gotWww@QuestionHome@Com

ok LAZY butt, you didn't do your homework, because you were too busy texting your friends, and looking at your hair, and your boobs!.!.!.
do your own work, start to consider to begin to be!.!.!.
a HUMAN BEING!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe, you were ill when this was covered in class!. Instead of whining continue to type and then click you will find your answer!. You will have a bonus perk, the feeling of accomplishment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And this has to do with Vikings!?

I hope you do better on your testWww@QuestionHome@Com