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Position:Home>History> The Irish were discriminated against yet did not receive equalization. Why?

Question: The Irish were discriminated against yet did not receive equalization!. Why!?
During the mass imigration the Irish were considered worthless!. Help wanted ads listed "Irish no need to apply"!. Yet we do not have an Irish hostory month!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
lot of immigrants were treated unequal, irish especially and chinese, but all the eastern europeans and irish and chinese were crybabies like black americans!. this goes to show its not about the color of ones skin, the chinese are doing well in america now as well as irish and other europeans, yet the black community as a whole isnt, why is that!? cause they turn it in to a race issue and make it a big deal, had they just stopped living in the past and dealt with things they could be like the chinese and irish and others nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see your point - while the Irish did receive unequal treatment during the mid 19th century (mass Irish immigration due to the Irish Potato Famine) many minorities have been prejudiced against for decades on end!. I'm not saying that the Irish don't deserve a "special month," but having suffered does not entitle each minority a "month!." You can't rank suffering - although "NINA" was an anti-Irish policy, Asian immigrants in the West, as well as South & Eastern European immigrants faced brutal treatment as well!. And African Americans, having had been slaves for centuries, were prejudiced against for over a century after the Civil War!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because irish americans are NOT whiny lazy half wits who cannot succeed without affirmative actionWww@QuestionHome@Com