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Position:Home>History> Dance and music in ancient rome- what were the details?

Question: Dance and music in ancient rome- what were the details!?
can you please give me a few details on dancing and music!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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My Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire says:

'Etruscan compsition was based heavily on the flute, so much so that subsequently the romans made it their principal instrument!. King Numa established a guild of flutists, which was used at all public sacrifices!. Diversity arrived shortly after the Punic wars, as Greek culture gained ascendancy in rome and Italy, introducing stringed instruments!. Greek music became very popular, joined by the dance!.

Although musical training was part of the education of most Roman youths, the actual performance of the music was always considered a profession suited to foreigners or the lower classes!. Slaves, freedmen, and members of the base levels of the social strata were resonsible for the preservation of music invariably in Greek taste!. They performed at concerts that were very popular at the start of the empire!. At games and gladiatorial contests, musiciians very often provided introductory music or intermission entertainment!. A considerable change in the status of music took place during the reign of Nero!. he not only fancied himself as a brilliant musician but also patronized the art, staging lavish contests for musicians on the Greek model!. Here the emperor would sing, winning every contest easily!.

It would not have been surprising if the Romans had no desire to hear another note after the tyrannical demonstrations of Nero (trapping people in buildings for days to hear his feeble plays; special gifts to the Greeks)!. Nevertheless, Domitian ordered an Odeum to be constructed on the Campus Martius, to house his various musical extravagances, especially his own musical festival, held first in 86 AD and every four years subsequently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bacchanals, revelries or temple dances!.!.!.they were very different and served different purposes!.!.!.add clarity to your question please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com